Tuesday, February 23, 2010

20100216 南丫島 新春之旅

From 20100216 Lamma Island

Date: 2010/02/16 (年初三)
Route: 南丫島 模達灣 --> 菱角山 --> 索罟灣 --> 榕樹灣
Length: ~ 8 km
Time: 12:00 - 16:30 (exact times shown on map)
Temp: 冷 (< 10 C)
Difficulty: Easy

新春突然想去走一走,不過最大的敵人就是... 冷。
Well,究竟係熱、曬辛苦 d 定係濕、冷辛苦 d... 真係見仁見智... Anyway 要暖 + 有太陽但唔曬 + 週末得閒想行山,一年真係唔係得幾多日 ga ja ~ 以勒團都可以話咁快十年,有得行就好行 la ~~

今次第一次試下由香港仔出發,這個「全記街渡」在香港仔海濱公園田灣方向的盡頭,感覺好似有 d 唔可靠... 不過搭落都幾 ok wor (仲有八達通 tim),又快過中環去,又有「海盜船」玩... 幾 recommend 大家支持支持 ~~

From 20100216 Lamma Island

到了這個模達灣下船,一片荒蕪... 看到這家士多,「泳客沖身每位 5 元、狗隻沖身每隻 10 元」,明白到這地方人是連狗都不如...

From 20100216 Lamma Island

上菱角山。這座山有很多奇型怪狀的石,當然很多要靠大家的想像力啦 ~~ 全山有一徑橫貫東西,很易行,是影相好地方 ~

From 20100216 Lamma Island

離徑小許有這些石,可以傲視南丫島南部 ~

From 20100216 Lamma Island

或者試試空中練功 :P

From 20100216 Lamma Island

菱角山其中一標誌就是這個月牙石,在「米奇老鼠石」前 100 米左右,不過月牙石本身都幾 off track...開頭我們都不知如何靠近...

From 20100216 Lamma Island

直到突然殺出個「有經驗人仕」,他說自己十幾年沒去過月牙石了,不過見他三兩下手腳就去到了...我們這些後輩就跟著他走吧 ~

From 20100216 Lamma Island


From 20100216 Lamma Island

之後有處又可以玩下壁虎功 ~~

From 20100216 Lamma Island

這實這裡成個單位咁 ~~ 有房有廳... 望過對面海成萬元一呎,可能遲 d 要用到這裡了... ~

From 20100216 Lamma Island

臨走之前看一看這裡盛名的海鮮店... 唔... 這裡的魚兒似乎稍為欠缺生命氣息... =.="

From 20100216 Lamma Island

Monday, February 15, 2010

20100216 trip plan

From Lets hike!!

Date: 2010/02/16 (年初三)
Route: 索罟灣 --> 菱角山 --> 陰山 (山池塘) --> 榕樹灣
Length: ~ 10 km
Time: 11:00 - 17:00
Temp: 冷、霧 (~ 12 C)
Difficulty: Moderate - Difficult

Happy Chinese New Year :)

- Weather we're going or not, IT DEPENDS ON THE WEATHER. Best if you could CALL ME the night before to firm the trip, and if you don't have my phone, mailing your contact to ketonemaniac@yahoo.com.hk (feeling not really secure putting phones on facebook). I'll make sure I'll call you guys before going or not.

- according to books the road to 陰山 is a bit steep, so BE PREPARED. But at least its NOT going to be 陰森, no bushes and stuff, just open grass areas.

- WEAR WATERPROOF SHOES. Its really no good having your feet wet 80% of your trip...

- Meeting time: 10:45 am at **香港仔海濱公園** (don't be late!!!) , we'll be going on the 11:00 am ferry to 索罟灣