Monday, August 31, 2009

20090829 將軍行

From 20090829 將軍石

Date: 2009/08/29
Route: 太古 --> 鰂魚涌郊野公園 --> 將軍石 --> 柏架山
Length: ~ 5km
Time: 09:30 - 14:10 (exact times shown on map)
Temp: 炎熱 ( > 30 C)
Difficulty: Difficult

Well... 是次「男女當行山 official 處女行」飛機率甚高... 幸得葉氏一家支持,總算沒有爛尾,令小弟感動 T_T ~~
Anyway 這次少一點人也好,皆因路線比想像中難,而且天熱酷熱,以「處女 function」 而言的確不太適合...

From 20090829 將軍石

這次挑戰的是位於鰂魚涌郊野公園、柏架山下的將軍石 (as far as I know, there are more than one 將軍石s...),出發沿衞奕信徑二段行,轉上康柏郊遊徑,很快便到達前 post website 所說的涼亭了...

From 20090829 將軍石

這處亦是小弟被 fake 得最厲害的地方,就是花了整整 40 分鐘去找 website 所說的「 過了涼亭後見一路不通行的指示牌」--- 小弟在涼亭附近不斷尋找小徑,當中不乏一些危險動作,例如:

From 20090829 將軍石

這裡稍一不抓緊,星期日就見報了... 小朋友切記不要模彷...

From 20090829 將軍石

「正途」其實在康柏郊遊徑標距柱 C4305 過一點點的小路(並沒有「路不通行」牌 lor...),入口非常明顯,路旁是鐵絲網,路上還有一點藍點指引... 大家留意了.

From 20090829 將軍石

過了一會就落一個斜坡落引水道,講真句,I don't think its necessary 因為看地圖應該直行都 ok... But anyway 因為我信個 website... 所以照落吧。不過落去都好,有清涼山水作獎勵 ~

From 20090829 將軍石

這護士牆都 ok 斜... 鏡頭是側了小小,但實情都係斜,要拿著繩子落.

From 20090829 將軍石

之後沿著這磈木板過引水道上,就是真挑戰的開始了... 打後一小時,基本上大部份時間都要「四腳爬爬」...

From 20090829 將軍石

看來繩索不夠用,有人竟想到用 Lan 線 + AV 線做繩索...

From 20090829 將軍石

這是傳說中的 "Pat Pat 石",等我地摸下先 ~~

From 20090829 將軍石

真正主角就是這個將軍石,佢都 ok 大份的,遠遠處都望到它 ~

From 20090829 將軍石


From 20090829 將軍石

From 20090829 將軍石

將軍石附近的路段極度費力難行,大家起勢爬... and 小心草木界手...

From 20090829 將軍石

終於到頂了... 大家吃個「慰勞梨」先 ~~
由於大家水源耗盡,所以都急急下山... 一小時便回到山腳,立刻衝入 7-11 買飲品... 旅程圓滿結束 ~~

Monday, August 24, 2009

20090829 trip plan

From Lets hike!!

ok guys, here's the tentative plan for this Saturday's hike:
  • The purple route is the "hope-we-can-make-it" route, which is the route suggested in the blog I gave you guys to see earlier before: This is not an easy route and I'm not sure whether we can really locate the entrance/exit -- we'll just try and hope for the best :) Oh note that this is the ONLY route that we could possibly reach 將軍石...
  • The red route is the "backup" route that we will try out in case the purple track is just too difficult/hidden. I personally located the entrance and walked a few steps into it -- again not a easy track (need hands + legs) but at least its "obvious". In case we decide to abandon this route + the purple one we'll just have a nice and easy walk (not making it to the hilltop) and dismiss ~~
  • The green route is where we'll go home at the event that if we make it (by either route), the route that we go downhill from. Very easy paved road -- will reach the bottom within an hour I guess.
So here we go... just a couple more to note:
  • Be prepared -- This is not an easy hike :)
  • If everything goes fine, this is not gonna take very long -- but I guess we'll be having some troubles finding the routes so... I guess 4 hours will be good.
  • Gonna be very sunny I guess .... make sure you have "anti-sun" measures of some sort ~
Lastly, lets meets up 9AM to TaiKoo MTR Station Hang Sang Bank. See you there!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

20090808 九龍坑山

From 20090808 九龍肚

各位好 ~~~ 這是我們的 group 第一次的 function (hehe... 雖然都來得比較突然 -- 今天 call 人第二天便起行了 ~ ) Anyway 總算成團 ~

Date: 2009/08/08
Route: 衞奕信徑八、九段部分 (倒行,鶴藪 --> 九龍坑山 --> 太和)
Length: ~ 6km (post 122 - 99)
Time: 09:30 - 14:00 (exact times shown on map)
Temp: 炎熱 ( > 30 C)
Difficulty: Moderate

可能因為倒行的關係,去九龍坑山沒那麼辛苦 ~
不過由於天氣酷熱 (其實那天陰天,已經比較好的了 ~~) 所以腳不辛苦,人都辛苦 ~~


From 20090808 九龍肚

Everybody Hands up!!!! Yeah Yeah ~~~~

From 20090808 九龍肚

開頭想挑戰「點點路」,不過實在太恐怖 (另一路有大蜘蛛擋路...) 所以放棄... (結果浪費了一小時...)

From 20090808 九龍肚


From 20090808 九龍肚

站在山頂上... 這條柱不在大路上,正好發射站南端,要花點時間找...

From 20090808 九龍肚

ok...傻人樂園... ~~ actually 這裡 (山上) 有幾個呼拉圈 tim... so good exercise...)

From 20090808 九龍肚
